Monday, May 25, 2009

Missing Panda

I have been away from the blog for a bit since I have started doing a lot on the book. I changed chapter one into the introduction, completely rewrote chapter one and have nearly finished chapter two. These are the hardest chapters, once I'm done with two, weight loss, it will get easier to write. The next chapter is equipment and body care, that will go quickly and the following chapter "Training", will be easy to write also. Additional chapters will address subjects like "How to stop smoking and why should you want to". Beating Drug and other addictions will have a place as will dealing with life's sucker punches.

The hardest part so far is just doing it. I want to socialize on the boards and face book instead of putting in the writing time. So I check and answer my mail, respond to board posts and then get at it. One of the interesting things about writing is how when you finally get stated and the words start flowing, it's like your mind goes into turbo mode since the ideas almost magically come.

Writing the blog has helped a lot and many of the blog entrys will be passages in the book. If I can make myself stay focused it should be nearing completion by the end of the year, then I'll have to find someone interested in reading it and hopefully wanting to publish it. I have to figure out how all that works.

I'm taking a vacation to Canada this week and will discuss ideas with my friends to the north. A portion of the book will involve over coming personal challenges and finishing a full or half marathon. I have friends in Canada that have and others that are training now for their first marathon.

Thank you for reading

Writing Panda

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